Lafayette, IN
Business Directory

Lafayette, is a vibrant city located in Tippecanoe County. Known for its rich history and cultural heritage, Lafayette offers a range of attractions for visitors and residents alike. Explore the renowned Columbian Park, a sprawling green space that features a zoo, aquatic center, and amusement rides. For history enthusiasts, a visit to the Tippecanoe Battlefield Museum is a must, where you can learn about the famous Battle of Tippecanoe. Lafayette is also home to a thriving business community, with a wide range of local enterprises spanning various industries. From cozy cafes and family-owned restaurants to boutique shops and local artisans, there is something for everyone to enjoy and support in Lafayette.Show More

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  • Tower Corner Marathon
    999 S Creasy LnLafayette, IN 47905
  • Citgo
    2001 Main StLafayette, IN 47904
  • ARCO
    1803 Veterans Memorial Pkwy SLafayette, IN 47909
