Kotzebue, AK
Business Directory

Located in Northwest Alaska, Kotzebue is a rugged and remote city known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. With a population of around 3,200 residents, the city offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Situated on the shores of the Kotzebue Sound, visitors can marvel at the breathtaking views of the Arctic Ocean and witness the mesmerizing Northern Lights dancing across the night sky. While the city might seem isolated, it has a surprising array of local businesses that cater to the needs of residents and visitors alike. From grocery stores and restaurants to shops selling handmade crafts and traditional Inupiaq artwork, there is no shortage of local establishments eager to showcase the unique talents and products of the region.Show More

Map of Kotzebue, AKMap of Kotzebue, AK

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Popular RestaurantsPopular Restaurants

Public ParksPublic Parks

Post Office LocationsPost Office Locations

Public SchoolsPublic Schools


Public LibrariesPublic Libraries

Police StationsPolice Stations

Grocery StoresGrocery Stores
