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"Best friends deserve a second chance"

General Info
Second Chance K9 Academy's mission is to strengthen the bond between owner and dog through education and training. Services include Day Care, Private Lessons, Day Training, Basic Obedience, Advanced Obedience, Behavior Modification and specialty training such as the Trained Retrieve, Scent Detection, Protection Training and Tricks. Second Chance K9 Academy also works closely with NEAHS to provide shelter dogs with basic obedience in an effort to increase adoptability.
Dog obedience, Dog daycare, Behavior modification
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visa, master card, amex, check, paypal, cash

NEA Humane Society

Donates training hours towards shelter dogs in an effort to create more adoptable dogs by solving common behavioral issues and instilling basic obedience.


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Phone: (870) 824-7051

Address: 3105 Parker Annex Rd, Jonesboro, AR 72404


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