(904) 519-2324CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections10175 Fortune PkwyJacksonville, FL 32256Write a ReviewWrite Review

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General Info
Saliba Engineering, Inc. (SEI) is a professional engineering firm registered in the State of Florida, maintains its office in Jacksonville. Engineers with more than 25 years experience are working for SEI to meet client needs. That means understanding client issues, being responsive, communicating well, and do the job on time and within budget. Having a broad and strong base knowledge in transportation related civil engineering disciplines, SEI provides the experience and resources in geotechnical engineering, bridge hydraulics, scour studies, and engineering management.
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Geotechnical Engineering
Deercreek, Southeast Jacksonville
Arabic, English, French


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Wheelchair Accessible: Yes


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Phone: (904) 519-2324

Address: 10175 Fortune Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL 32256

Website: Primary Website