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The Crisis Line Listens

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General Info
Depressed? Need To Talk? 24-HOUR CRISIS HELPLINE *Anonymous & Confidential, All Services FREE of charge
From time to time, when life becomes stressful, we all need someone to talk to. The crisis counselors at CONTACT are always available to provide confidential telephone counseling, support, and referrals to local resources in order to help you get through these difficult times. Our services are confidential and anonymous. We are always just a phone call away. 601-713-HELP (4357)
Payment method
paypal, check

Accredited by CONTACT USA. Promoting Excellence in Crisis Services

REASSURANCE CONTACT provides a safety net for the elderly or physically challenged who live alone by placing a daily call, free of charge, to affirm that someone cares and to check on the client’s well-being. Call 601-713-4099 for more information. CONTACT the Crisis Line provides emotional support to those who are more comfortable communicating using the internet. WWW.IM-IN-CRISIS.ORG
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Phone: (769) 218-8150

Address: 4419 Broadmeadow Dr, Jackson, MS 39206
