(713) 526-9700CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections5015 Kirby DrHouston, TX 77098Write a ReviewWrite Review


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Phone: (713) 526-9700

Address: 5015 Kirby Dr, Houston, TX 77098

Website: http://www.goodecompany.com

More Info

General Info
Our Armadillo Palace brings the best of Texas together with one dance hall, two bars, three stages, and a state-of-the-art kitchen serving indoors and out.
BBB Rating
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BBB Accredited businesses follow the BBB Standards for Trust and pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring. Accreditation is not a BBB endorsement or evaluation of the businessā€™ product quality or competency in performing services.

BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Extra Phones

Fax: (713) 526-9702

TollFree: (800) 627-3502

Phone: (713) 844-8180

Phone: (713) 529-1212

Payment method
amex, discover, master card, visa, debit
Price Range
South Central Houston, University Place, Central Houston, Greenway - Upper Kirby

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Goode Company Restaurants-The Armadillo Palace

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Goode's Armadillo Palace

Goode Company Armadillo Palace

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Other Information

Cuisines: Family Style, Caterers, American, Barbecue

Price Range : Average

Good For Groups: Yes

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