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General Info
Established in 1985, Gibson Products, L.P. is a manufacturer of specialty pipe fittings. Located in Houston, Texas, the firm offers an array of products, such as pressure fittings, flanges, butt-weld/specialty tools, branch connections and swages/plugs. It serves the petrochemical, refining, electrical utility, pulp and paper industries worldwide. The company is an approved manufacturer for Shell, Marathon, EI Dupont, Koch Refining, Solutia, BASF, Flint Hills, Valero and Dow. Gibson Products, L.P. manufactures pipe fittings in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and ASTM specifications.
Extra Phones

Fax: (713) 941-8593

TollFree: (800) 519-2500

Phone: (713) 428-0231

Eastside, Meadowbrook - Allendale

Gibson Products Inc



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Phone: (713) 941-4890

Address: 5691 Surrey Square St, Houston, TX 77017


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