(517) 437-0444CallMap & DirectionsDirections8 W Carleton RdHillsdale, MI 49242Write a ReviewWrite Review

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Always here for You

General Info
Rockman Insurance Group has been serving clients in the Hillsdale and Jackson, MI and surrounding communities and throughout Michigan for over 40 years. Our goal has always been to provide the best possible service, greatest savings and most thorough coverage to our policyholders. Our experienced and trustworthy agents are here to provide you with personalized service you can rely on. We offer a wide variety of insurance plans including commercial, worker's comp, home, and auto insurance.
BBB Rating
BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Extra Phones

Fax: (517) 437-1256

We offer a wide variety of insurance plans including commercial, worker & apos;s comp, home and auto insurance as well as motorcycle insurance. We specialize in providing all adult foster care insurance services.
Chubb Insurance, Farmers Insurance, Foremost, Fremont Insurance, Grange Insurance, Michigan Millers Insurance, Progressive Insurance, Wolverine Insurance
Payment method
visa, mastercard
MAIA, Chamber of Commerce


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Phone: (517) 437-0444

Address: 8 W Carleton Rd, Hillsdale, MI 49242

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