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A heart for God, a home for you, a hope for all.

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We are delighted to have you visit with us on our website. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to spend a little time with us. I trust the website will be both helpful and instructive to you and your family. Here at Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church, we make no apology for standing firm on the solid foundation of God's Holy Word. From our exciting children's programs all the way to our Senior Saints' ministry, we are trying to help individuals and families build their lives on the wonderful Word of God. I would like to offer you my personal invitation to visit with us in our services. We would count it an honor to have you and your family as our guests. God bless you and we hope to see you soon!
King James Version Bible KJV, Vehicle Transport, Baptist Churches, Prayer Services, Sunday School, Traditional Music, Senior Activities, Passenger Transportation, Independent Baptist Churches, Bible Studies, Youth Programs, Ministers, Conservative Baptist, Independent Fundamental Church, Prayer.
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Phone: (423) 467-5699

Address: 197 Suncrest St, Gray, TN 37615
