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General Info
Mary Frank Elementary School provides a variety of individual and small group programs, including enrichment classes and tutoring sessions. It serves more than 400 students in kindergarten through grade five. The school offers educational classes in a variety of subjects, such as language arts, math, science, social studies, technology, reading, writing, basic skills and physical education. It offers an accelerated reader program, which is a curriculum-based assessment tool that provides a summary and analysis of results to monitor quantity and quality of reading practices engaged in by the students. The school also offers guidance and reference materials for additional information. Established in 1958, Mary Frank Elementary School is a part of the Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation and is located in Granger, Ind.
Extra Phones

Fax: (574) 273-3806

TollFree: (800) 418-6423

Payment method
all major credit cards, check


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Phone: (574) 272-0340

Address: 13111 Adams Rd, Granger, IN 46530


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