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General Info
Mills County Abstract & Title Company, located in Goldthwaite, Texas, is the oldest locally owned title company in Mills County. Our attorneys and staff are committed to providing the highest quality of service in a professional, yet personal manner. This value to our customers is made possible by the many years of experience of our attorneys and staff in the real estate industry. Customers take confidence in our services knowing that one of our attorneys reviews each title policy to ensure its accuracy and is available to answer any questions which may arise. In addition, closings at Mills County Abstract & Title Company are conducted by an attorney at no additional charge for the attorneys time.* Whether it be residential, commercial, recreational or farm and ranch we are here to provide our customers with prompt and courteous real estate transactions. Mills County Abstract & Title Company has the knowledge, dedication and experience our customers need in the ever-changing real estate world. Web Title Order Form: Please click the link to our website to complete the web title order form, and one of our agents will follow up with as soon as possible.
Child Support, Easement, Real Estate Transactions, Real Estate Litigation, Foreclosure, Land Use and Zoning, Trusts, Theft, Tax Law, Power of Attorney, Probate, Wills, Eminent Domain, Forgery, Bankruptcy.
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Phone: (325) 648-2293

Address: 1014 Fisher St, Goldthwaite, TX 76844


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