(626) 335-9511Call
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Map & DirectionsDirections200 N Glendora Ave Ste IGlendora, CA 91741Write a ReviewWrite Review

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General Info
"Campus Kuts was established in 1980 by owner/operator Fritz Mensing and is located in downtown Glendora Village. Fritz has been cutting hair for over 30 years at the beach-themed salon. His clients include women and men of all generations, children, and the occasional family dog. Fritz has also made a few house calls! Campus Kuts continues to thrive and is cherished for its family-friendly, hometown atmosphere. We offer full salon services including color, weave, perm and extensions. Call or come by for an appointment. We look forward to meeting you!"
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Twila H.


Go see Shayna....she knows wha...

Go see Shayna....she knows what she's doing and can do it all...color, cut, extensions, makeup, you won't be sorry.


Phone: (626) 335-9511

Address: 200 N Glendora Ave Ste I, Glendora, CA 91741

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