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Business LocationGilroy, CA 95020
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Dependable, Stylish, Timeless garage doors

General Info
Morgan Hill Garage Door Company has been in business since 1988. We are family owned and operated. We pride ourselves in installing and designing beautiful custom wood garage doors and providing a world class customer experience. No matter what look you are trying to achieve, at Morgan Hill Garage Door our custom garage doors are designed to reflect the unique style and character of your home. Since each custom garage door is built to your specifications, we welcome the opportunity to discuss your creative ideas. Morgan Hill Garage Door provides honest, reliable garage door service for the entire Bay Area. We are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week for your garage door needs. We repair all kinds of doors, springs and openers. We recommend a safety inspection and tune-up once per year. A garage door is the biggest moving thing in your house - inherently dangerous if not maintained or serviced properly. We specialize in any and all types of spring replacements. -Broken Overhead Garage Door Springs -Torsion Spring Experts -Broken Garage Door Cables -Broken or Bent Rollers -Bent Track; Misaligned or Rusted Track -Replacement of Sections or Panels -Garage Door Hardware Overhauls -Noisy Garage Doors Silenced -Weatherproof -Opener Service -Replacement Transmitters -Replace Stripped Gears -Maintenance & Lubrication -Keyless Entry Systems
Hardware Replacement, Garage Cable Repair, Garage Door Roller Replacement, Garage Cable Installation, Garage Door Removal, Garage Door Installation, Hardware Replacement, Tilt Up Garage Doors, Electronic Access Devices, Garage Doors, Decorative Garage Doors, Swinging Doors, Replacement Garage Doors, Garage Door Remotes, Garage Door Hardware, Vinyl Garage Doors, Fiberglass Garage Doors, Wood Garage Doors, Automatic Garage Doors, Garage Door Windows, Insulated Garage Doors, Sectional & Panel Doors, Residential Garage Doors, Grills & Bars, Carriage Garage Doors, Reproduction Garage Doors, Remote Controlled Doors, Roll Up Garage Doors, Garage Door Openers, Metal Garage Doors, Steel Garage Doors.
Amarr, CHI, LiftMaster
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check, visa, master card
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Phone: (408) 778-6044

Address: Gilroy, CA 95020

Website: mhgdc.com