More Info

General Info
A part of The City of Garden City in Michigan, the Garden City Police Department is a full-service law-enforcement agency that works for the protection of life and property of its residents. It offers crime prevention and safety patrolling services. The department conducts firearms training sessions and crime scene and traffic accident investigations. Through its partnership with Project Childsafe, the Garden City Police Department promotes safe handling and storage practices among firearm owners. The department handles check complaints and conducts building searches. It operates a neighborhood watch program, special investigation unit and detective bureau. The department provides a police explorer program that includes police related training services.
Extra Phones

Fax: (734) 525-8052

Fax: (734) 793-1781

TollFree: (877) 264-5544

Phone: (734) 525-8088

Phone: (513) 772-4464

Phone: (734) 793-1600

Payment method
Garden City City Hall

Garden City Office



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Phone: (734) 793-1700

Address: 6000 Middlebelt Rd, Garden City, MI 48135


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