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all major credit cards, amex, mastercard, visa, discover
Roosevelt, Sunnyside


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Poor customer service

I was out of town and in Fresno CA when I had to take two of my small children to the emergency room two different times. After each visits I was given a prescription and visited the Cvs on shaw and Fresno. Both incident were different as one was around 130 in the after noon and the other at midnight. Both times that I visited the cvs I received poor customer service and had to wait a while just to drop my prescription off. The first visit another customer confronted the pharmacist due to his lack of communication and people skills. I've should of took that as a sign but continued in with my transaction and my second due to just visiting this town. I am very disappointed in the way my transaction was handle and will probably never go back to cvs.


Phone: (559) 255-9009

Address: 5180 E Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno, CA 93727


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