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Phone: (714) 418-0658

Address: 16563 Brookhurst St, Fountain Valley, CA 92708


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General Info
Here at Au Lac the compassion manifests itself in the attention to detail that goes into every dish we want to cultivate an atmosphere where people come together to create a center of gravity pulsating with love, harmony, and health. We opened our doors in 1996 and introduced our Vegan RAW cuisine in 2001. The concept of the restaurant is we honor the arrival of every guest, treat each as our friend to honor the humanese concept, and anyone representing Au Lac is eager to present the two kitchens and have a chance to serve a delicious meal. It's a unique meal in that there are only plant-based, unprocessed and organic ingredients. Vegan-Living is our style of dining but also a lifestyle you can feel.Here at Au Lac the compassion manifests itself in the attention to detail that goes into every dish we want to cultivate an atmosphere where people come together to create a center of gravity pulsating with love, harmony, and health. We opened our doors in 1996 and introduced our Vegan RAW cuisine in 2001. The concept of the restaurant is we honor the arrival of every guest, treat each as our friend to honor the humanese concept, and anyone representing Au Lac is eager to present the two kitchens and have a chance to serve a delicious meal. It's a unique meal in that there are only plant-based, unprocessed and organic ingredients. Vegan-Living is our style of dining but also a lifestyle you can feel.
Extra Phones

Fax: (714) 689-0261

Phone: (714) 441-8065

Payment method
Mile Square Plz
Fountain Valley

AU Lac Gourmet Vegetarian

Other Information

Cuisines: Family Style, Vegetarian, Vietnamese, Asian, Vegan, Healthy

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