(260) 338-1893Call
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Map & DirectionsDirections14409 Plank StFort Wayne, IN 46818Write a ReviewWrite Review

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General Info
Well-trained, licensed applicators will care for your lawn and landscape. They are backed up by a highly trained and experienced management staff who are always available for consultations. Our lawn care programs are tailored to our local climate, grass varieties and soils. We are delighted that many of our clients have won awards for the best lawn in their neighborhood. Leisure Lawn is locally owned and has been serving Northeast Indiana since 1979. We strive to provide the best possible lawn care value to our customers.
BBB Rating
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BBB Accredited businesses follow the BBB Standards for Trust and pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring. Accreditation is not a BBB endorsement or evaluation of the business’ product quality or competency in performing services.

BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Plant Care, Pest Control, Athletic Fields, Lawn Care, Leaf Removal, Vegetation Management, Overseeding, Seeding, Snail Control, Consultants, Weed Control, Lawn & Grounds Maintenance, Fertilizing Services, Thatch Control, Bimonthly Services, Gopher Control, Aerating, Soil Testing, Weed Prevention, Garden Maintenance, Disease Treatment, Topsoil, Compost, Centipede Grass, Grass Seed, Bermuda Grass, Mulch & Bark, Grass, Fertilizers, Lime, Soil Amendments, St. Augustine Grass, Rye Grass, Zoysia Grass, Bluegrass Grass.
Emerald, emerald
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amex, visa, mastercard

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Phone: (260) 338-1893

Address: 14409 Plank St, Fort Wayne, IN 46818