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Established in 1987, Carroll Middle School serves more than 800 students in grades six through eight. It offers courses in social studies, science, mathematics, English, reading, language, health, industrial technology, art, music, keyboarding, family and consumer science, and physical and special education. The school also offers various extracurricular activities that include student council, academic super bowls, Future Problem Solvers, plays and musicals, choir, band, cross country, volleyball, football, basketball, wrestling, track and soccer. Its special education program is designed to equip students with the processes necessary for continued daily application of personally possessed skills by using their past experiences and internalized knowledge. Located in Fort Wayne, Ind., Carroll Middle School is a part of Northwest Allen County Schools.
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Phone: (260) 637-5159

Address: 4027 Hathaway Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46818


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