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General Info
This store now offers curbside pickup for all online and app orders. For Curbside Pickup, park in the spot marked with "Online Order Pickup" and tap the "I'm Curbside" button located in the "Your Order is Ready For Pickup" email. An associate will then be out with your order shortly. Office Depot is the destination for all your business and home office needs. From paper, ink, furniture, technology, cleaning and breakroom supplies to business services like custom printing, shipping and tech support, your Office Depot store advisors at 3535 HOLLIS STREET will help you save time and tackle your toughest challenges.
Jansport, brother, canon, dell, epson, hp, lexmark, samsung, shipping
Payment method
apple pay, cash, check, company card, debit, paypal, amex, discover, master card, visa
East Bay Bridge, Central Emeryville
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Phone: (510) 547-9660

Address: 3535 Hollis St, Emeryville, CA 94608


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