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General Info
At Edelen Door & Window, we offer a complete line of exterior home improvement products including doors, replacement windows, vinyl siding and patio enclosures. We've been family owned and operated since 1968. * Garage Doors & Automatic Openers * Entry, Storm, Security & Patio Doors * Vinyl Replacement Windows * Vinyl Siding, Soffit & Fascia * Patio Enclosures
Extra Phones

Granite City: (618) 877-7707

South County: (314) 965-3667

**Garage Doors** Edelen Door & Window offers a huge supply in garages and roll up doors. We carry Mahon, Cornell and Trac-Rite, and Iron Works products offering rolling steel doors, fire doors, counter shutters, rolling and side folding security grills. * Short Panel Style * Long Panel Style * Window Patterns * Colors * Automatic Garage Door Openers **Patio Doors** Whenever you want convenience, security, and energy-efficient performances that a sliding patio door offers, Edelen Door & Window has them to offer. * Multiple Exterior Colors * Interior Wood Grain Laminates * Decorative Glass * Internal Blinds & Shades * High Quality Lock Hardware in several finishes * Lifetime Warranty **Windows** Edelen Door & Window has many types and styles of windows. We have just what you're looking for. * Multiple Exterior Colors * Interior Wood Grain Laminates * High Performance Glass Packages * Internal Blinds & Shades * 35% Energy Savings Pledge **Siding** Outstanding beauty begins with exceptional product quality. Making your home beautiful with easy-to-maintain siding is a good choice. We offer Charter Oak Reinforced Premium Vinyl made with only the very best materials. Developing a tough, durable and beautiful vinyl siding such as Charter Oak requires the technical skills of a chemical process engineer and the visual sensibilities of an architect.
Earth City


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Phone: (314) 521-2060

Address: 4170 Shoreline Dr, Earth City, MO 63045
