(973) 947-6629CallVisit WebsiteVisit Website
Business LocationDover, NJ 07801
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Your Satisfaction Is Our #1 Priority

General Info
Create a great first impression and a positive atmosphere with immaculate cleaning from Ultra Cleaning Services LLC Scheduled cleanings or at-need service Your initial visit is a deep whole house or office cleaning session. You decide how we can help you maintain it. Choose the level you desire. We offer a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or at-need cleaning packages. * Let us handle your cleaning duty * We clean on your schedule and to your approval. We are focused on your entire satisfaction. * Find the level of cleaning services on a regular or at-need basis. You are never locked into a contract. * Exceptional cleaning services at affordable prices! * Residential - Whole house cleaning, disinfection, and housekeeping * Commercial - Dusting, bathroom maintenance, and trash removal * Make your home or business appear more welcoming - 973-682-8543
Extra Phones

Fax: (973) 285-0421

* Window Washing * All Surfaces Vacuumed * Certified Carpet Shampooing & Deodorizing * Floor Stripping & Waxing * Bathroom & Kitchens Cleaned & Disinfected * Beds Made * Floors Washed * Furniture, Sills * Wall Hanging Dusted * Hardwood Floors Polished * Installation, Sanding & Finishing * Grout Cleaned & Sealed Serving Morris, Somerset & Passaic Counties Make sure your business is in perfect order before your guests arrive.
Payment method
mastercard, discover, amex, debit, visa

NJ Lic. #13VH03329100



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Phone: (973) 947-6629

Address: Dover, NJ 07801

Website: http://ultracleaningnj.net