(303) 547-3397CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections4908 Tower RdDenver, CO 80249Write a ReviewWrite Review

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General Info
Oakwood Homes, a Berkshire Hathaway company, has invested over two decades in building beautifully functional new homes in Colorado. We've pioneered construction methods that allow homeowners the luxury floor plans and “wow” features that come standard in every home.
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Cristina M.



My family and I closed on our home on January 25, 2016 after more than 6 months of delays. After closing we have had nothing but problems with customer care and our warranty. Our customer care representative doesn't reply to emails and disregards them, and now after waiting for our yards to be done for more than 4 months after we were told they would be done Oakwood cant even give me a date of when they plan on getting them done. They have had our money to get our yards done since January and now in the end ou June we still don't know when they plan on getting their act together standing by their word and finishing our yards.

I incurange anyone who is thinking on buying form Oakwood to really reconcider before making that decition or you will regret it for many years to come. I know I have. It is amazing the lack of care for making sure that a home they built and sold is in good condition and that they give the buyer everything they PAID for in a reasonable time.


Phone: (303) 547-3397

Address: 4908 Tower Rd, Denver, CO 80249

Website: http://oakwoodhomesco.com/contact

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