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General Info
DeKalb Animal Services and Enforcement was chartered to protect the public from diseases transmitted by animals, from damage caused by animals, and to protect animals from abuse or neglect.Forget the old image of the "dog pound and dog catchers"! DeKalb Animal Services and Enforcement is a progressive division of DeKalb County Public Safety. DeKalb Animal Services and Enforcement's staff are professionals in the animal control industry. A majority of the Field and Kennel staff have earned national accreditation from the National Animal Control Association. We provide a wide array of services including investigating complaints, trapping nuisance animals ( not to include animals located in the attic or walls ), handling wandering livestock, and school presentations. We are here to serve and protect the public.The Division consists of 36 officers and support personnel. The Division has three sections - Office, Field and Kennel operations. Field Operations answer calls from 06: 00 A.M. until 22: 00 P.M., and provides "on-call" service for overnight emergencies only. Kennel Officers work 365 days per year caring for impounded animals. The Center houses anywhere from two hundred to five hundred animals on any given day. Office Operations are the heartbeat of the operation, maintaining records for the Division, dispatching calls, coordinating data entry for the Rabies Vaccination Registration Program, and conducting any requested research from our records.The Animal Services and Enforcement Center is open for tours during normal business hours. Please make an appointment for groups over five people. Educational information is available, as well as age appropriate presentations for group meetings by appointment. Volunteer opportunities are available.DeKalb Animal Services and Enforcement Center is located at 845 Camp Road, GA 30032 Decatur Located in DeKalb County Complex on Memorial Drive, the Center entrance is off of Camp Road at the intersection of Kensington Road.
Extra Phones

Fax: (404) 294-2947

TollFree: (877) 835-6788

Phone: (404) 294-2519


Dekalb County Animal Services

DeKalb County Animal Control



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Phone: (404) 294-2996

Address: 845 Camp Rd, Decatur, GA 30032


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