Rome, GA
Business Directory

Rome is a quaint city with a rich history and charming southern hospitality. Nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Rome offers picturesque landscapes and a moderate climate. Visitors can explore Rome's historic buildings, such as the Clocktower and the Rome Area History Museum, to get a glimpse into the city's past. For outdoor enthusiasts, there are numerous trails and parks scattered throughout the area, perfect for hiking, biking, and picnicking. Rome also boasts a vibrant local business scene, with a variety of shops, restaurants, and galleries to explore. From locally owned boutiques to farm-to-table eateries, visitors can experience the unique flavor of Rome while supporting the local economy.Show More

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  • Citgo
    581 Chulio Rd SERome, GA 30161
  • Marathon
    1705 Shorter Ave SWRome, GA 30165
  • Exxon
    1928 Shorter Ave NWRome, GA 30165
