Granada Hills, CA
Business Directory

Granada Hills is a suburban neighborhood located in the San Fernando Valley. Known for its family-friendly atmosphere and wide variety of housing options, it offers a quieter alternative to the hustle and bustle of nearby Los Angeles. The community is home to several parks and outdoor spaces, providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and recreation. Local businesses in Granada Hills cater to the needs of its residents, with various shopping centers and restaurants offering a diverse range of options. Whether you're looking for a great place to raise a family or simply enjoy a peaceful suburban life, Granada Hills has something to offer.Show More

Map of Granada Hills, CAMap of Granada Hills, CA

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Popular RestaurantsPopular Restaurants

Public ParksPublic Parks

Post Office LocationsPost Office Locations

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Public LibrariesPublic Libraries

Police StationsPolice Stations

Coffee ShopsCoffee Shops

Golf CoursesGolf Courses

Grocery StoresGrocery Stores

Cheapest GasCheapest Gas

  • Amplify
    11062 Balboa BlvdGranada Hills, CA 91344
  • Thrifty
    11454 Balboa BlvdGranada Hills, CA 91344
  • Mobil
    16955 San Fernando Mission BlvdGranada Hills, CA 91344
