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We are happy to have you as our patient and will do everything we can to earn your trust and confidence. Located in Columbus, Ohio, our practice serves women from all over Central Ohio. Midtown OB/GYN is devoted solely to the care of women, including gynecology and obstetrics. We offer complete obstetrical care, including prenatal, delivery & ostpartum care. We are committed to family-centered maternity care and encourage prepared childbirth classes. Our practice also offers gynecologic care for all ages, from the contraceptive needs of young women to assisting in the transition to menopause and beyond. Care includes counseling, medical therapy, and surgery, including the most advanced vaginal and laparoscopic techniques including robotic surgery for faster recovery time. Dr. Tyler and Dr. Thompson are certified to do robot-assisted gynecologic surgery using the da Vinci Surgical System. Our office is newly expanded and remodeled and is easily accessible from any part of Central Ohio.
Payment method
master card, visa, discover, check, cash, insurance
Located at 270 E. Town St. in downtown Columbus. We are next door to Grant Medical Center on the first floor of their "Blue Garage."
Downtown Columbus
Free parking available. Park in Grant's "Blue Garage" off of 6th Street and ask for a voucher in our office. Metered parking is also available on E. Town St. for a nominal fee (75 cents/hour).


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Phone: (614) 224-0115

Address: 270 E Town St, Columbus, OH 43215

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