(631) 880-4533CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections1800 Middle Country RoadCentereach, NY 11720

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"keeping Long Island Safe and Warm"

Dunrite Chimney and Stoves Has Been Servicing the Suffolk and Nassau County Area Since 2000.

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General Info
If you’re seeking a reliable chimney sweep in Nassau or Suffolk County, then Dunrite Chimney and Stove is the right choice. It takes many years of training and experience to be skilled in the chimney trade, and we’ve put in the time, training, and experience necessary to stay on top of it all. We pride ourselves on being a reliable company that our customers have come to trust and appreciate since our start back in 2001. To this day, we still attend training sessions and take classes to keep our knowledge up-to-date. When you work with us, you always get the care you need and deserve.
BBB Rating
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BBB Accredited businesses follow the BBB Standards for Trust and pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring. Accreditation is not a BBB endorsement or evaluation of the business’ product quality or competency in performing services.

BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
* Emergency Services* Fireplace & Chimney Cleaning* Chimney Relining* Oil Chimney Cleaning* Gas Chimney Cleaning* Animal Removal* Crown Work* Masonry Work- Cultured Stone* Lining Systems* Prefab Chimneys* Chimney Removal and Rebuilds* Gas Fireplace Installation* Gas Stove Installation* Gas Insert Installation* Wood Fireplace Installation* Wood Stove Installation* Gas Violation Corrections* Tuck Pointing* Waterproofing* Water Leak Repairs* Smoke and Odor Problems * Rusting Chase Top Pans Replaced
Enviro, FireplaceX, Lopi, Majestic, Monessen, Osburn, Ravelli, Vermont Castings
Payment method
cash, check, discover, visa, mastercard, amex
We are conveniently located at 1800 Middle Country Rd in Centereach. 1/4 mile west of Nicholls Rd, on the south side, across from Midas.
Dunrite Chimney and Stove is a full service chimney and hearth shop. With over 20 years of experience, we are considered by many to be the Long Island industry experts on everything chimney. We specialize in all aspects of chimney and venting care. From gas conversions to tuck pointing, we do it all. Are you remodeling your home or perhaps looking for alternative heating? Let Peter and Ellen help you choose the hearth product that is right for you. With the rocky prices of home heating oil, a wood or pellet stove is an economical, environmentally sensitive alternative to today's energy needs. Wood Inserts will breathe new life into old fireplaces. Available in many styles and sizes, you can be sure to find the perfect fit to transform your drafty fireplace into a source of warmth.

National Fireplace Institute Wood Burning Certified

National Fireplace Institute Gas Burning Certified

National Fireplace Institute Pellet Burning Certified

Chimney Safety Institute of America Certified

Travis Industries Factory Certified

National Fire Protection Association Member Hearth Patio and Barbecue Association Member National Chimney Sweep Guild Member New York State Chimney Sweep Guild Member Middle Country Chamber of Commerce Member Building Trades Association
Social Links
Other Information

Services: Chimney cleaning, Chimney repair, Masonry Repair, Fireplace repair, Stove repair,



Phone: (631) 880-4533

Address: 1800 Middle Country Road, Centereach, NY 11720

Website: http://www.dunritechimney.com