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General Info
Founded in 1954, TMP Technologies designs and manufactures a range of foam, rubber, plastic and metal components and assemblies. It offers foam conversion and fabrication solutions to various original equipment manufacturers. The company provides several foam tip applicator products, such as foam pads, paint brushes, medical swabs and hydrophilic wipes. TMP Technologies offers upholstery cleaners, cleaning utensils and sponges. It also provides a variety of medical grade foam and laboratory products. The company s products are used in sound dampeners, gaskets, seals, film processing equipment, facsimile machines and laser printers. TMP Technologies offers a range of design, engineering and technical support services. The company operates Advanced Rubber Products and Foam Sciences divisions.
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Fax: (716) 895-6396

TollFree: (866) 728-1932

East Delavan, Genesee Moselle
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Phone: (716) 895-6100

Address: 1200 Northland Ave, Buffalo, NY 14215


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