(866) 591-1817CallVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteMap & DirectionsDirections8723 3rdBrooklyn, NY 11209Write a ReviewWrite Review

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General Info
Welcome to Specialized Eye Care of Bay Ridge, the neighborhood's premier opthalmology facility. Dr. Pass and Dr. Aiello have teamed up to bring you the best care in the opthalmology field. Call to schedule an appointment today. Accepting New Patients and Walk-Ins!
Bifocal Correction, Retina Specialist, On-Site Optical Shop, Surgery, Pediatric Eye Care, Vision Centers, Sports Eyewear, Astigmatism, Lineless Bifocal Lenses, Children's Eyewear, Glasses, Fashion Eyewear, Custom Lenses, Disposable Contacts, Designer Eyewear, Bifocal Contact Lenses, Lenses.
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debit, amex, discover, visa, mastercard


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Phone: (866) 591-1817

Address: 8723 3rd, Brooklyn, NY 11209

Website: http://www.specializedeyecareofbayridge.com