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General Info
Incorporated in 1970, Fisher's Fuel Incorporated provides fuel services. It offers home heating oil delivery services for customers in the rural areas of Matanuska-Susitna Valley in Alaska. As a family-owned and operated business, the company manages a staff of more than 60 employees and serves over 3,000 customers. Fisher's Fuel Incorporated maintains a fleet of nearly 15 line and approximately 10 delivery trucks. The company provides repair and maintenance services for heavy equipment. It operates through various departments, including Big Lake Rent-All, Glennallen Bulk Plant, Palmer Tesoro, Healy Bulk Plant and Hilltop Tesoro. Fisher's Fuel Incorporated additionally offers equipment on a rental basis for contractors and home owners.
BBB Rating
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Fax: (907) 892-6703



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Phone: (907) 892-6706

Address: 10160 W Parks Hwy, Big Lake, AK 99623


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