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Gloves that fit

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General Info
Gloves by Linda Lorraine is your one-stop shop for all your hand-covering needs. From light and airy to dark and furry you will find gloves and mittens for every occasion.Imagine gloves and mittens made just for your hands. At Gloves by Linda Lorraine, you will find a huge assortment of gloves and mittens as uniquely designed as you are.
Business History
Designed gloves for San Francisco Symphony. S.F. Ballet, ACT, Beach Blanket Babylon, Academy Awards 1992, Golden Globe Awards 1995, and movie studios.
Custom sewing & design of gloves. I also sell ready made samples. I can ship orders in the USA and some international locations.
Payment method
visa, master card
By appointment at my studio or I can meet you at your place . You can send me measurements or request samples sent to you.
South Berkeley, LeConte
Refund policy on ready made gloves can be exchanged or refunded by credit card, cash, or check within 3 months if they look unused. Custom gloves can be altered.
San Francisco State University BA, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising AA
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Diane S.



I met Linda Lorraine in 1987 when she had a kiosk at a shop called the soft touch on the Haight-Ashbury in San Fran.

I was there for the 20th anniversary of The Summer of Love ♡ and bought a pair of leopard-print gloves from her which were all the rage, and I kept them for over 20 years until I inadvertently left them in a New York Taxi in a rush to a meeting.

Since then I have always bought my gloves and other fashion accessories from her, as I found them to be the most interesting and unusual designs of superb quality.


Phone: (415) 358-8319

Address: 2321 Russell St Apt 2b, Berkeley, CA 94705