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Phone: (501) 776-2434

Address: 812 Military Rd, Benton, AR 72015


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General Info
Welcome! Our Little Caesars is located at 812 Military Parkway Benton, AR 72015. You can always call us at 501-776-2434, too. We also offer no-contact delivery and Pizza Portal® pickup. Both available when you order online or our app.With quality and value as our core belief, Little Caesars represents quality, fun, commitment and family. For over 60 years, we've also offered an outstanding value for our customers. Always quality pizza at a great price. Yes, we use only the finest ingredients, including 100% Mozzarella and Muenster cheeses, sauce made from vine-ripened tomatoes and dough made from scratch every day at every location. Remember...Every day is a great day for pizza. Pizza!Pizza!
Payment method
visa, amex, discover, master card
Military Plz
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Cuisines: Pizza, Fast Food

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