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General Info
The Sumpter Township Police Department was founded in 1954 to provide law enforcement services to the citizens of Sumpter Township. Prior to that time responsibility was with the Wayne County Sheriff's Office and the Michigan State Police. The department's first Chief of Police was Terry Williams, Jr. Sumpter Township is a rural community of 9,549 residents in the southwest corner of Wayne County, midway between the urban areas of Ann Arbor and Detroit. It encompasses an area of approximately 37.5 square miles.
Extra Phones

Fax: (734) 461-4840

TollFree: (877) 264-5544

Phone: (734) 461-6114

Phone: (734) 270-2071

Phone: (734) 461-9373

Payment method
cash, check

Sumpter Township Senior Center

Sumpter Township Animal Shelter



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Phone: (734) 461-4833

Address: 23501 Sumpter Rd, Belleville, MI 48111


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