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Phone: (606) 546-3991



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Provided by Superpages

we get to do a lot of stuff like go to the Olympics every year and other outings and meeting new people. I like getting new friends to come and join us in all the fun we have and even fun Fridays. We have great services provide for us and have lunch catered to us every day. When you win participant of the month you get to pick where you want to go eat at. I got it last month and I went to long johns to eat. On Fridays you get to bring a pop. In the Olympics you get to pick your events you like to do. Friends and Companions is facility that is fun and enjoyable and with great staff and participants. I enjoy going there and being with friends I have met and got to know. It is located where the dyalisis use to be. If you want to join just stop and by and talk to our great nurse we have name Gloria Johnson and she will help you get joined up.


Phone: (606) 622-2434

Address: 3877 S Us Highway 25e, Barbourville, KY 40906

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