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General Info
Founded in 1974, Acropolis Construction Company is a contracting company that serves the residential and commercial sectors. It provides renovation, interior decoration, wallpapering, painting and cabinetry services. The company offers installation services for acoustical ceilings and walls, as well as maintains a fleet of trucks and utility vehicles. Acropolis Construction Company also provides carpet, tile, vinyl, marble and wood floor options. It serves clients, such as ILEX Construction, Tan Stands, M&S Grille, H&S Bakery, Harborview Condo Garage, BB&T Laurel, Chameleon Caf and Williams Sonoma. The company additionally provides construction services for RAF Realty, Redwood Limited Partnership and GBMC Health Care. Acropolis Construction Company is located in Baltimore.
BBB Rating
BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
BBB Accredited businesses follow the BBB Standards for Trust and pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring. Accreditation is not a BBB endorsement or evaluation of the businessā€™ product quality or competency in performing services.

BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Extra Phones

Fax: (410) 235-3298

Phone: (410) 235-3188

Payment method
amex, all major credit cards, discover, visa, check, mastercard
Northern Baltimore, Remington

Acropolis Construction Co Inc

Other Emails

Other Information

Parking: Lot, Free

Wheelchair Accessible: Yes


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Phone: (410) 235-3177

Address: 2900 Hampden Ave, Baltimore, MD 21211


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