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ADMS was established to help spouses avoid the pitfalls of litigation. Our purpose is to help you go through all the decisions you must make and minimize the cost and trauma as you go through the process of divorce. The division of assets and debts is a difficult one and we hope that five years from now you will look back and feel like this was the most fair and equitable division that you could have generated. Custody issues and parenting plans are also very difficult. We help spouses figure out a creative parenting plan that meets their unique needs as well as the needs of their children. We offer a free 30 minute consultation to tell you more about this and prices. If interested send both spouses emails to [email protected]
Sandy SPGS Professional Bldg

Atlanta Divorce Mediation Services, LLC.

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Phone: (678) 985-8858

Address: 275 Carpenter Dr Ste 303, Atlanta, GA 30328

Website: website

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