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Used car salesman

I had Rudy and his company come out to remodel a bathroom. He seemed like a nice guy, a little pushy about his opinion but did have some good ideas. When the tile work was done and uneven, he blamed everyone but himself. First it was us, we expected too much, then it was the tile guy. Then it was because the wall was not plumb, but he didn't plumb the wall because we did not authorize him to; of course he had never mentioned we needed it plumb or asked us for an OK. Finally he only agreed to finish the job if we paid him the same time for the rest of the family to inspect was allowed. So we fired him. He just looked smooth, caring and kind but really ended up trying to push on us less than the best.


Phone: (817) 460-6565

Address: 2138 Corzine Dr, Arlington, TX 76013

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