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Welcome to Wyoming Place in Albuquerque, NM
General Info
Wyoming Place Apartments offers one and two-bedroom apartments for rent in the Northeast Heights of Albuquerque. Our old-world architecture comes together with modern conveniences to make our community one that you'll thoroughly enjoy inside and out! Each of our homes comes equipped with ADT Home Alarms, patios / balconies, and oversized closets.
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Tommy H.



I've been living in Wyoming place apt for 10 months now and everything was fine until the maintenance man , junkie stepson moved in and started stealing everybody's car . I would recommend this place unless you have full coverage on your vehicle . Also , I'm in the process of doing a background check on the maintenance man , his stepson and anybody else that's on the lease . The tenants claims that they are all thieves and convicted felons . If these allegations are true , I can assure you that these are not the people that you want to have a key or access to your apartment . Smdh , someone has really dropped the ball on these people


Phone: (505) 657-9569

Address: 5222 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111


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