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Trumbull Village


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Jessica C.



These are just some of the photos I took before I left that apt. at the bottom is a picture of a list of b.s. Casa Grande Realty ( one women) that is trying to charge me for. Look how dishonest this individual person is. What concerns me is how many people had she gotten away with this and done this to? How many more will there be as long as its being managed by this one women? What needs to be on the info as well is how to contact the owner so they can know when there property is being ran by such a dishonest "management". Other then that the apt, it's self was very nice and comfy. When I moved in it was a professionally ran management ( Peak Management) I rented from, when I moved out unfortunately it was being managed by a lier and what I call a thief.


Phone: (505) 312-7392

Address: 426 Utah St SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

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