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La Vida Nueva Apts



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Megan R.



I have a large family and am on an extremely fixed income and currently live at this apartment group. I've had nothing but a good experience living here. The staff are open, friendly, professional, helpful, and exceptionally mindful to my family's needs. It's an affordable place to live, with an amazing maintenance staff that's quick to fix any issues that may arise, and with a security patrol that's visibly present and on call if I have need of them. What I like most about La Vida Nueva is how family oriented it is here. With summer events for the family, daycare, and meal programs for the children, I believe it's a great place for those seeking a family and community oriented place to live. The property houses a large laundry room and two play grounds for the children. It's also next to a park and not too far from the big 3 stadiums. All of which are really good places to have family outings. We've been here since 2010 and have enjoyed our experience living here immensely.


Phone: (505) 265-2860

Address: 1200 Dickerson Dr SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

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