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Casa Bonita Apartments, LLC



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Vicki C.



The apartments are in poor repair and roach infested.

They have a back park and each evening the kids gather and smoke drugs and speak in slang and ugly words. management was notified by resident and police of the drug dealings and violence that takes place here and nothing was done.

Then there has been shooting here as well, very unsafe for children.



very bad experience

This morning I called casa bonita leasing office and asked information on a 2 bedroom apartment,after the woman stated the price of the unit and amenities this had I let her know we have a service dog for which we have a doctor's note,training certified and paperwork that identifies it as a service animal. She stayed quiet for a few seconds and asked how big the animal was. I told her she is around 40 pounds and before I said anything else she said it was too big and she would have to "check" what the contract said. I explained to her service animals aren't just pets but a necessity of the incapacitated owner and are protected under the law. She simply answered "we don't have first floor units available". I never told her we required a first floor unit,my son is capable of walking up the stairs. Not all the incapacities are physical or even visible. This is by far the worst experience I have ever had when trying to lease a property. This lady made me feel as a second class citizen.


Phone: (505) 881-0668

Address: 4528 Carlisle Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109

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