What jobs does an arborist perform?


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An arborist does much more than chop down trees and remove stumps.  A well trained tree service professional will be able to evaluate the health of trees, plants, and shrubs, and make valuable recommendations on their maintenance or removal....Read More

Vicki S.

We had trees on our property that weren't very healthy, so I asked an arborist to look at them. One of the trees had a fungus, so he removed some of its limbs and started a treatment program. Another tree was planted in too crowded of a spot, so it was removed. Finally, our remaining trees were pruned and shaped to grow more fully. Our yard looks much better. ...Read More


When we moved to our last home and realized how many trees surrounded the property, we decided to hire an arborist to check them all. You hire an arborist to determine whether a tree is healthy or not. The professional may decide that your tree or trees need pruning to keep growing well or get rid of dead branches. They'll also plant new trees and remove a tree if necessary....Read More